Telecom Market Data Tracker Service

Mind Commerce offers a Telecom Market Data Tracker service based on quantitative modeling, forecasting, segmentation analysis, survey research, and vendor/competitive intelligence tracking.

This service is used by companies that need data associated with a specific ICT technology, market segment, service or application area. Customers may choose individual categories listed, mix and match, and/or request custom data tracking.

Mind Commerce Telecom Market Data Tracker Components

As part of this service, we will monitor, track, and provide data most important to your industry or individual company. We provide a customized package for you to receive ongoing (quarterly or twice annual) market share and key mobile metrics.

Mind Commerce Data Tracker Coverage

The following data areas are generally available for the USA only. However, we occasionally have data for other regions and individual countries. Inquire with us about availability for your needs outside the United States.

United States Only

  • Consumer and Business Wireless Devices (Smartphones and Tablets)
  • Public Safety by Technology, Devices, and Applications

Global and Regional

The below topics are available for globally data including regional segmentation and major countries within each continent. Inquire with us should you have any special needs such as a specific region or country.

Data TrackerApplicationVerticalRevenueTechnologyConnectionsIndustryForm Factor
Artificial Intelligence
Broadband Wireless
Cloud Computing
Data Analytics
Immersive Technologies
IoT Market
Robotics Market
Wearables Market

Mind Commerce Data Tracker Coverage

Mind Commerce Data Tracker Service covers a wide variety of ICT topic areas. Examples of telecom market data include:

United States Only

  • Consumer and Business Wireless Devices (Smartphones and Tablets)
  • Public Safety by Technology, Devices, and Applications

Global and Regional

  • Artificial Intelligence Market by Application, Vertical, and Revenue
  • Broadband Wireless by Technology, Application, Vertical, and Revenue
  • Cloud Computing by Application, Vertical, and Revenue
  • Data Analytics by Technology, Application, Vertical, and Revenue
  • Immersive Technologies (AR, VR, etc.) by Application and Revenue
  • IoT Market by Application, Vertical, Connections, and Revenue
  • Robotics Market by Application, Vertical, and Revenue
  • Wearables Market by Industry, Form Factor, Application, and Revenue

Mind Commerce Customized Telecom Market Data Service

In addition to the above individual datasets, Mind Commerce will develop a custom combination of telecom market data for your organization. Our custom tracking service segments market data in several ways based on your unique needs.